AN interesting question was raised in the Holyrood Chamber on Thursday by Labour MSP Mark Griffin as he asked the social security minister Shirley-Anne Somerville to give a commitment that the DWP will have no further input into the devolved benefit Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

This question was interesting because as highlighted, the vast majority of those currently receiving DLA want no further input from the DWP, run by Westminster. This is evidence of the system of no respect or dignity for claimants along with private companies being handed the contracts for assessments, exploiting our public services.

It was very welcome to hear the minister’s reply, as she informed the chamber that during the transition period involvement with the DWP may be necessary, however the new social security system being established in Scotland will have at its heart dignity and respect for claimants and an assurance was given that no private companies will be allowed to exploit our public services, as all assessments will be in-house. This was indeed reassuring for claimants.

Catriona C Clark